Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Baby Annabeth

Our little Annabeth was finally born Wednesday May 9, 2012 at 6:55 am. She weighed 6 lbs 5 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. 
On Tuesday I started having regular contractions around 4:30 in the afternoon. I went on a walk and they continued. When Jordan got home they were around 6 minutes apart. We ate dinner and they continued to get closer together. Around 7:45 they were about 4 minutes apart so we decided to go to the hospital and see how things were going. At that point I was dilated to a 3 and you have to be a 4 to be admitted. The midwife did say she thinks this is the real thing so that made me feel better that I hadn't come in for nothing! 
We got home and I tried to relax and take a warm bath and get some sleep. I didn't get any sleep at all. Around 1:45 I woke Jordan and told him I think it is time to go back to the hospital. This time I was at a 4 1/2 or 5 so I was admitted, thankfully!
When I got to my room I got an IV and they set me and baby up on a monitor to track contractions and the babies heart rate. A few minutes later the midwife came in and flipped me to the other side. They said they didn't like how slow the babies heart rate  was coming up after contractions so they were going to see if they could get her in a position that she liked better. Her heart rate continued to come up slowly so they tried putting me on oxygen and continued to monitor us. After a few hours of getting flipped from side to side every 20 or 30 minutes and being on oxygen she still wasn't improving. At that point the doctor, midwife, and a few nurses came in and said they would like to do a c-section because they didn't think she would be able to keep getting her heart rate up if I delivered vaginally. At this point I am very worried about my little girl and agree that I would rather do the c-section now rather than take the risk with a vaginal birth. 
They made sure I was numbed up and ready to go. I was trying to be strong but I was so afraid and just crying. Luckily we were able to have five minutes just Jordan and I and he was able to give me a blessing. I am so glad that my husband has the priesthood and for the comfort that the blessing brought.
They started the surgery at 6:53. It felt like they were just tugging my belly back and forth but it didn't hurt. About a minute later the doctor tells me don't worry that she isn't crying already we have to stimulate her, I couldn't believe she was already out. Then I heard her little cry, so amazing. Jordan went over with her and cut her cord. The first thing he said to me about her was "She has hair" :D I have been hoping that the baby would have hair my whole pregnancy and I got my wish. He came back over to check on me and told me she was beautiful. I wish that I had a recording of how happy he was at that moment. I could tell she already had him wrapped around her finger. He asked if I would like him to stay with me or the baby, I sent him with the baby. Before they left I got to see her for the first time. He was right she was beautiful and just perfect. 
Baby and Daddy went to our room while they finished with me. My arms were shaking out of control from all the drugs and hormones but I was fine now that I knew she was ok. I just wanted to see my little girl again. Stitching and gluing me took forever. While they doing that they told me the cord was wrapped around her neck and her foot so I was really glad we went with the c-section. They finished up and wheeled me to the room. I was still shaking out of control so they had to give me more drugs so I could hold my baby. When I finally got to hold my baby Jordan had to help me because I was still waiting for the drugs to kick in. We were able to go home two days later on Friday morning. That is the story of her birth. Balboa gets bashed on sometimes but I couldn't have been happier with my doctors and nurses and the whole experience overall. 
Now I will just share a few little things since she has been born. 
When we were getting ready for bed one night in the hospital Jordan, Annabeth, and I were just sitting together and enjoying each other. Annabeth was wide awake and just looking back and forth at us. I gave her a kiss and then I gave Jordan two kisses, after I had given him the second one she gave me a look that seemed to say "hey I want another kiss" it was so sweet.
The other day we decided to take a few pictures of Annabeth so we took some in her clothes and decided we wanted a few with her clothes off. Jordan took them off and her diaper and was holding her and talking to her. A few minutes later she shot poo on to his pants and the floor. My mom, Gretchen and I thought it was extremely funny and Jordan didn't take it badly either. Annabeth must have thought it was funny too because she was wide awake and looked extremely pleased after she did it.
We are just loving her and are so thankful that we have been blessed with such an amazing baby girl. We have also been lucky to have two amazing grandmas helping us out!
Here are a few pictures that I just took at home! Some of them wouldn't load very good so they look a little weird.

Jordan's toe with baby's foot!

After pooing on Daddy!

After pooing on Daddy! Wish I got the face she made right after!

She had her feet up to her face!
I love her face! She looks so worried!

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